The project “PACT – Political Activism & Critical Thinking”

A new challenge for LUETEC!


As you know, LUETEC never stops to find new incentives and to face current issues together with new international partnership.

This time, with Austrian, German, Greek and Serbian partners will be find out how, people who may be at risk of radicalisation, can be methodically empowered to participate in socially relevant issues at the political level. As a result, an online article, a guide and a methodological kit for educators  will be created.

The project is called PACT – Political Activism & Critical Thinking” and the purpose will also show how people can successfully leave radical groups and return to social life and how active participation in social and political life can be strengthened. In the exchange of best practices, tools and a set of methods for developing critical thinking and political activism will be taught through concrete tools and new educational approaches.

Thanks to the LUETEC expertise in writing a huge quantity of manuals aimed at adult educators in tolerance education, hate speech prevention and inclusive education for migrants, it will enable to stimulate the local debate on political activism in Naples involving our older students in local activities related to the PACT partnership experiences.

We can’t wait!

Discover the official WEBSITE of the Project!