Education as an ongoing process of improving knowledge and skills, it is also perhaps primarily an exceptional means of bringing about personal development and building relationships among individuals, groups and nations
(J. Delors)
LUETEC – Libera Università Europea Terza Età Campania is a Third Age University
that offers courses, labs and workshops for youth, adults and seniors since 2000
LUETEC was born as a European Third Age University from the idea of Maria Giovanna Romaniello. In the same year, LUETEC joins the FEDERUNI – Italian Federation of Universities of the Third Age.
LUETEC begins its journey in Europe by participating in the Socrates Program combined with several local e educational activities in Naples. Since this year, we have held courses, seminars, conferences, cultural guided tours and book presentations. Our courses were Archeology, History of Art, History of Theater, Atelier of French, English, Spanish, Neapolitan language, IT laboratories, Painting, Gardening, Presepial Art, Photography.
LUETEC take part in the Leonardo da Vinci European Program with two pilot projects in VET: TECNO-ZEINU on sign language through digital learning tools and SAFE DOCK, PORTO SICURO, on improving the health and safety of port workers through ICT-based job training.
LUETEC coordinated many Grundtvig Partnerships acquiring skills and competencies on Life Long Learning in Europe thanks to good practices and training experience exchange.
In the same year, it started a fruitful collaboration with the Municipality V of Vomero–Arenella and Naples Municipality.
Since this year LUETEC has taken part in several Multilateral Partnerships in the sector of vocational training and started an experience of international volunteering for seniors.
In the same period, we carried on in-service training courses for teachers and staff within the Grundtving 3 action.
A group of LUETEC teachers carried on a series of cultural days dedicated to the rediscovery of Neapolitan characters and place forgotten. The refound memories” first edition was dedicated to Domenico Scarlatti. The second edition was a tribute to chemist Maria Bakunin. The third edition was dedicated to rediscovering Zoological Station Anton Dohrn, and the last edition was about Paola Riccora alias Emilia Vaglio the first theatrical writer recognized in Naples.
LUETEC staff started consultancy activity for third entities: Third Age universities, NGOs, VET organizations, schools of every order and degree, Universities, Local entities such as Municipalities, Regions, Trade Unions and Foundations.
LUETEC moves to the heart of the city of Naples diversifying its training offer, with courses in journalism, video shooting, writing, theater and acting dedicated to young people.
In this period he organizes aperitif-lessons, concerts, cineforum and theatrical readings.
A fruitful collaboration begins with the Circolo degli Officiali della Marina Militare di Napoli to organize piano lessons-concerts, listening of Opera concert lessons, book launch, theatrical readings dedicated to the classics of literature and classic Neapolitan song.
The LUETEC has successfully managed more than 55 Erasmus+ projects in different fields, establishing itself as a European projects management center